<activity partners〜表現活動で直接かかわる才人たち。>
    (my sometimes-partner in performances;
     he's model,performer, and 4th in meiji univ.)

    (jiro tanaka, photowriter, event producer; pretty photos, poems
     & open-mic event in nice cafes●文彩の朗読台本を掲載中)

    ・sankenma 間間間
    (yutaka kondo, at a "nagaya", old style japanese apartment. the 80
     -years-old small house has various events●文彩のタコ踊り掲載)

    ・UZUKI 衝・うずき
    (art project directed by keio univ's students; i participated
     in their event @ hiyoshi.)

    ・ototure-line〜WEBドラマ おとつれせん
    (johnney matsumoto & friends. heartwarmin' radio
     dramas on-web, which link with other events●公開録音ほか鋭意計画中)

    ・shigeikan〜summer festa 試藝館『夏の宴』
    (yui kashima @keio univ, & many specialistic
     members: details upcoming... ●文彩の作品掲載予定&イヴェント参加決定)

<other friends〜その他 ご縁のある才人たち。>
    ・mari ishiwata イシワタマリ
    (artist, bodypainter. 3rd in keio univ;she's genius!!
     her works're brilliant & profound, as well as terrifically sexy!)

    (kayoko miki, performer, dancer, author of sentimental-x-
     rated(?)novels. 3rd in keio; she's like a jack-in-the-box!open it.)

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